This is, basically, what a whole lot of banter about how we need to keep pushing to keep public land open amounts to:
A whole lot of baloney, and a whole lot of hot air.
Why do I say that, when environmentalists are pressuring and lobbying to close public lands so that you can no longer even walk on them?
It is because I feel that the people who really run things and call the shots for our government want all of us off the land.
That's the goal, and a lot of the hot air blown about simply contributes to the goal.
I think a lot of it does more harm than good.
The big shots want control (and ownership, basically) of this land for themselves.
I believe this plan is carved in stone as far as they're concerned.
They created this whole environMENTAL movement just for the sole purpose of brainwashing everyone into believing mankind is wrecking everything, and herding people off the land is one of the cures for this.
In other words, folks, we've been lied to in a big. BIG, disgusting way.
The reason why I say bantering about this is hot air is because it simply won't derail this agenda of closing land down and handing it over to the UN, or guys operating on their behalf.
What it really does, because it never get to the heart of the matter, or mentions why it's happening, or dares point the finger at anybody, is simply muddy-up and confuse people.
Probably on purpose since I expect the people controlling all this to be involved with both sides of the conflict.
What happens when I hear or read the hot air is that somebody will state they're all for "treading lightly" in an effort to keep public lands open, and this is the only way to go about it.
You must muffle your bike down so that you can barely hear it run.
You must avoid crossing streams, lest you churn-up some dirt that will float downstream.
You must be sure you barely turn a leaf over, or leave a tire track in the dirt.
YOU must constantly be aware that YOU are the cause of all the world's problems, and that the Earth would greatly appreciate it if you'd just sell that dirt bike and stay home watching TV.
In other words, this whole tread lightly campaign is just another brainwashing tactic meant to make people feel that they still haven't done enough of the right thing as far as trying to keep public land open, and it's all their fault when another umpteen million acres gets closed down to anyone and everyone for good.
The sad thing about this tread lightly brainwashing is that decent folks with good intentions get lured into it, thinking they're doing the right thing, when in reality, they're being controlled by the very opposition they are supposedly fighting.
Another sad thing is that, since it's a scam, too, no matter how "lightly" you tread, the land still continues to close, just as it's planned to.
It keeps on closing, bit by bit, no matter how much you cheer we all need to tread lightly.
That's the whole idea.
To keep you chasing your tail while the big plan goes right on as the big shots want it to.
It's simply a way to get you burning-up your time and energy fighting something they know you can't win.
Kinda' like tossing a dog a fake bone that he'll never be able to chew down to size because it's made not to be able to be chewed on.
It's just something purposely made to keep him content and busy, while his master can then get down to doing real important stuff.
I think it's nauseating how each new dirt bike comes with a little booklet telling you how to tread lightly.
You are even being reminded that it's all your fault before you even ride the bike you just bought.
What you think about that?
Off to jerk,
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