When I click the little shortcut icon for my blog, I'm brought to the page called the Dashboard.
Must be important because it's got a capital D on the front of it.
The post entries are starting to pile up, with this being the 25th since May 11th, and what it is being written about is just everyday stuff I go through.
You may wonder, Hey, John, why so many posts?
I like it. :)
When I started this blog, I promised myself that I'd post every day with lots of pics.
I missed putting one up on the 16th, but I think I've made up for it by doing a few double posts on the same day.
I've also taken lots of silly pics like the one above.
Ain't I silly?
It's good to be able to laugh at myself.
I can afford to, you know, since I'm so strikingly handsome.
I was born so fortunate, don't you think?
Thanks!, mom and dad, for the good genes!
I wear size 30x30, by the way. :)
In the 6th grade, I had a teacher who was a bit infamous for being an ex-nun.
The reason I'll never forget that is because my mother was a heavy-duty Roman Catholic (and I, too, was born and raised as one).
When I told my mom that my teacher was a nun before a teacher, my mother put her hand over her mouth and said, "Well, as long as she didn't take her final vows, yet..."
I guessed that taking those vows basically "marries" you to the church, and you can't quit without committing a mortal sin (a big no-no).
I didn't think my teacher had taken them, from what I remembered, so I think she passed my mother's scrutiny. :)
Anyway, this teacher (I think the name was Goskewitz - damn!, what a memory!) would make kids in class write a story of some sort if they did something stupid to deserve some kind of punishment.
I had to write a few for doing silly, harmless stuff like chatting when I should have been shutting up, and I realized that I liked doing it.
I remember writing one about my moronic cousin who lived next door to me, the guy who liked taking a hammer and breaking all kinds of stuff with it.
I think smashing a plastic toy with his hammer somehow hypnotized him, going by the glazed look in his eyes while doing this.
But, since today he's a jailbird who's been in and out of the slammer a few times for doing more stupid tricks, I guess the writing was on the wall.
Do YOU like to smash things with a hammer?
Get help now. :)
I got my first personal computer in January of 2001.
I joined the Internet party about 5 years after it exploded all over the place.
Not that I had any kind of resistance to computers, but just because I procrastinated, much like my getting myself a cell phone so that I may join the ranks of the text messagers.
I WILL get one.
A nice one.
Right away, after I got the hang of surfing the Internet, I started joining message boards, mainly having to do with motorcycles.
Every day since then, I've been reading and posting all over the place, making Internet friends and enemies, alike.
Mostly friend, though - the few who didn't like me felt that way because nobody else had the balls or knowledge to tell them that they were cleaning their air filters the wrong way, for example.
I did, and this offended them.
Tough shit. :)
You're posting on a public forum, Bucky.
There once was a website called MotoGPnews.com .
I think it's still actually up there, but is now only a pale shell of it's former self of back in the glory daze of 2005.
MotoGP racing is the top level in motorcycle road racing, and I like watching and following this series to this very day.
I forgot how I found this website, but I quickly joined once I did find it.
The MotoGPnews site had both a forum to write your silly comments back and forth to the other members, as well as a section that contained humorous, fictional accounts of what had gone on the previous race weekend to all of the top stars of the series.
The stories would have Valentino Rossi throwing spaghetti sauce at Sets Gibernau, and the riders were given affectionate nicknames like "wop" (for the Italians) and "donkey chaser" (for the Spaniards).
They were pretty rude, and it was right up my alley.
After getting a load of that, I started posting funny shit on the forum along with the other crazy members, and one of the head honchos there asked me to start submitting stories that would cover the AMA Superbike series, the catch being that I had to poke fun at it, especially at a British rider riding the AMA Superbike series that season named Neil Hodgson (because this head honcho claimed he didn't like him).
He didn't have to ask me twice - I started right away.
So, I spent the 2005 season doing that, and I enjoyed it.
The members of the message board liked it, too, even though this forum was based somewhere in Europe and Americans like myself were few and viewed with suspicion.
As luck would have it, though, by the fall, after some kind of clash between a couple of bigshots on the website, the place basically had the plug pulled.
Just after I sent in a hefty donation, too.
What you see these days is nothing compared to how it once was.
That was a fun time for me.
So, my point is that writing this silly stuff for you to read is nothing new to me, and whether or not you think it's good or bad is up to you to decide.
It's as easy and simple to me as tying my shoe.
Damn!, another knot. :)
Off to jerk,
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