Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Had to Lay 'Er down

No, not me, but that's what I've heard a million times from other motorcycle riders.
Typically, I'll hear a story about how somebody pulled out in front of them as they're cruising down the street, and that's when they'll have to take evasive action.
Usually, the words, "There was nothing else I could do." are added to this by the lay 'er downee.
And, just what is this evasive action?
Why, laying the bike down and sliding down the road on your ass, naturally.
Ain't that what you'd do?

To me, the times where layin' 'er down would make sense would be if you're riding on wet grass with street tires on a bike with poor brakes at a billion miles an hour and suddenly realize you're heading for a cliff.
Maybe layin' 'er down would cause the footpegs to dig into the turf and stop you in time.
Also, pretending that you're the main character from the Burt Reynolds movie Hooper and wanting to broadslide your bike under a moving tractor-trailer rig would make layin' 'er down a smart move.
Anybody tried that one lately?

I also see MotoGP riders layin' 'er down when they're reaching the far end of the gravel trap.
Guess they'd rather have the bike hit the air fence (hopefully there's one) first.

I've read useful tips on layin' 'er down.
In an April issue of Dirt Bike magazine from 1984 (yes, folks - the Stone Age), editor Rick "Super Hunky" Sieman said that layin' your old Harley down on the brake pedal side is the way to go.
That way, you won't bust-up the shifter.
Handy stuff to know.

Watching motorcycle racing with other people familiar with the art of layin' 'er down will have you all saying, "He had to lay 'er down!" often.
This is great fun that needs to be experienced by all motorcycle racing enthusiasts.
Even the commentators can get into it.

The racing careers of many a' great racer was ended in one great layin' 'er down episode.
Ever hear of Mick Doohan?
You should have by now, Buckwheat.
Read-up on it and see how he had a couple of doozies.

I need to go take a dump.
Later. :)

Off to jerk,

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