Monday, September 30, 2013

430 Drops of KYB 01 on the Floor

Yessirree, I'm experimenting with suspension settings on the ol' WR-250FP once again.
Although the setup I've been riding with for nearly a whole year worked pretty well and was a decent compromise between the firm feel I really like and plushness for sharp bump absorption, I felt compelled to mess with it, again, to see if it could be improved.

Tom from Nasin Machine was given the forks to try another modification to the valving, and this time I told him to go for mega-plushness without worrying too much about the results feeling too soft.
The results did, indeed, feel softer overall (along with the front of the bike riding a bit lower, as expected) and more plush over small to moderate bumps, but performance over sharp bumps seemed little changed, if at all.
Tom believes the base valve pistons are the limiting factor with them not flowing enough oil quickly enough when hitting a sharp bump and thinks new pistons that come with bigger holes in them would be the thing to try during the next revalve session.
That very well may be the case, although I'm going to try, before the next ride this coming weekend, installing the next stiffer fork springs to get the front of the bike back up where I like it along with dropping the oil level in the forks to the allowable minimum in order to reduce the natural air spring effect as the forks compress.
Hopefully, I'll get the chassis balance back that I like along with damping that will not feel any firmer than what I already have over the sharp bumps.
We shall see.

Otherwise, the bike is preforming well and holding-up just fine and dandy.

Yesterday's Sunday ride was just that:
A sun day with plenty of sunshine making me squint all over the place.
I rode my longer route which means I included what's known as the Southern Loop, and although I took much of it slow and easy due to vision, it felt pretty good, all-in-all.
Total mileage yesterday was 55 miles, so not too shabby.

Off to jerk,

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