Monday, May 27, 2013

421: Payback is Fun - There's Nothing New Under the Sun

Bill Gates, Microsoft bigshot, and, according to magazines that are about money and greed (acquiring more and more money), one of the wealthiest guys in the world.
Since he was born in 1955, that non-gray hair on his head has either been colored-in, or this is based on an older pic.
That snake on his shirt is the ages-old symbol of wisdom and intellect.
Who's got this wisdom?
Ask the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

I don't believe for a second that guys like Bill Gates got to be one of the world's richest men without a pull-up from other bigshots that are above him on the rich man totem pole.
No way.
I do believe he got there by guys more senior than him allowing his company to get as big as it did because they saw a use for him.
Basically, he had help in getting to the spot he got in by other guys who got to the top before he did, himself.

So, what do you think happens when the guys who helped get you there see a need to get something done, and they feel you ARE going to be involved in it?
No-brainer, Lenny:
They'll tell Bill Gates, "Hey, Gates. Time for some payback. Don't forget who helped get you where you are today. Don't disappoint us. Wink-wink. Nudge-nudge."

You think Bill Gates will bite the hand that feeds him and tell them to f-off?
I doubt it, as that seems perfectly logical to me.
What's more, I feel that's exactly what a wealthy psycho would say to one of their juniors:
I got you here, now pay-up, pal.

So, now Mr. Microsoft is a guy who is part of these TED seminars brainwashing people that we have to stick needles in folks living in these 3rd world countries in order to "help" them.
You know - the places full of people that these guys want rid of because they're useless eaters who are clogging-up the world's population and standing on ground containing the resources that these fat cats say they own.
That's because they claim to own the whole world, you know, even land which you supposedly own and pay your property taxes to your local town hall every year.
That's your rental fee.
And if they actually lay claim to the whole planet, you can bet your ass they'll do as they see fit, and those people over there just ain't fit to live in their vision of what the world should and will some day be like.

I don't think Bill Gates is reluctantly doing this stuff, which I believe is a scam and a lie and rooted in deceit (lies, in other words), because, by now, he's one of these guys and part of the club of wealthy men who have taken on oath or two to keep secrets, protect their brothers, and strive to complete The Great Work as they give each other those funny handshakes, say their code words, and laugh up their sleeves at the profane idiots below them.
After all, if you were as smart as they are, you'd be right up there with them.

Because, you see, governments of countries answer to organizations of these guys, an example being the United Nations.
Just who do you think started or even dreamt-up the idea of the UN?
Some dirt-poor guy wearing a white toga who wanted peace and love in the world?
You're nuts if you believe that stuff.
No, more like the UN is the front organization for these Godless, psychotic bigshots who fear no punishment from God, who believe what they say goes, and who have their fingers and influence on where the world shall be 5, 10, or 50 years from now.

Changing gears:

I went out to a different riding spot yesterday, a place I'd been to once last year.
It's a plot of (so I am told) private property off of what's known as a "rail trail", a path through the woods where railroad tracks used to be.
The steel rails and wooden rail ties are long gone (the New Haven Railroad quit using this rail line in 1968, if I remember), but the path, or railroad bed, is still there, and since there are people living out there, there are plots of private property all along this old railroad bed.
So, what do you do with this wooded land out along this abandoned rail bed?
Ride dirt bikes, goddammit!

I made plans to meet with a couple I've known for about 7 years and spend part of Sunday (yesterday) farting around on the trails and small sand pit on this property.
It was OK, but I only did 7.9 miles according to my odometer.
That's not much riding for a day's dirt biking, so the guy came up with a good idea:
Next time we go out there, we'll connect the trails together into a makeshift loop and ride laps around the loop.
Makes sense to me, as that's exactly what I'd do for myself if I lived there and had unlimited use of it.
We'll see.

Today is Monday, Memorial Day, so there's no jerk today.
I still feel like I haven't ridden enough this weekend, so I plan on going out to the usual Pachaug enduro loop sometime today on the ol' WR-250FP.


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