The WR-250FY awaits yet another Pachaug rock pile loop.
I went out on the ol' Pachaug enduro loop this past Sunday, and it was actually one of the best rides of the year for me.
That's partly due to me being well-rested since I'd missed two weekends in a row (due to working on the new-to-me CRF-450X9 and then feeling sick).
Also, the weather was fantastic for this time of year (warm), the traction was good, the bike felt as good as ever, and it was basically one of those rides where I felt damn good the whole way.
That last one is so very important to enjoying yourself.
You know? ;)
I was able to get yet another comparison of the Yamaha WR-250FY and the Honda CRF-450X9, this time by riding the WR.
Basically, the WR has enough power with a very good handling feel and a feeling of light weight to go along with it.
It obviously doesn't make as much power as a 450, but at no time have I ever wished I had more out on the trail, and the light feel of the bike is very much welcomed out there.
The CRF-450X9 makes a truckload of power, and using that power is very fun, indeed, but it comes with a very noticeable heavier feel to it.
It handles well, and the suspension is good, but the trade-off for having that large lump of an engine spinning away down there is an unmistakable and ever-present feeling of much more mass.
What this all means is, basically, what I'd guessed would be the case:
The WR-250FY is the better-balanced bike for riding the Pachaug rock pile due to good power and it's much lighter feel.
Those trails simply aren't open enough to justify the added power of the bigger bike and it's feeling of mass, or even allow you to use it all.
The loop can be ridden on the CRF-450X9, of course, and I am waiting to do exactly that and have fun playing with the big power, but it isn't the better bike for that terrain, at least not with me doing the riding.
What I do plan to use the CRF for is street riding to work, some Pachaug loop trail riding, and also some off-road riding in exploration mode, meaning investigating a place or three I either haven't been to in years, or that I know about but haven't been there at all.
The CRF will be an excellent choice for this because the bigger power and taller gearing will allow it to easily run with 55mph traffic on the street, and yet, it will still have that real-dirt-bike performance and feel that is very desirable while actually riding off-road.
I plan to bring my modified CRF-450X9 up to the DMV for inspection and registration this Friday, so wish me luck. :)
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