Here's what people who REALLY appreciate and respect the outdoors use to get around.

Here's what the typical environmentalist feels like on the inside:
All giddy with themselves because their puny brains think they're actually doing something good, where in reality, they're asking for a crowbar across the forehead.
In this case, a crowbar would vastly improve the looks of this particular example.
Another weekend has come and gone, and just as with last weekend, I rode the WR-250FY out in the Pachaug rock pile on Saturday, and Sunday (today) was a rainer all day long.
So, good thing I've been riding both Saturdays and Sundays, no?
Well, riding the Sundays when we actually see the sun.
Saturday's ride was a good one.
I rode the long 57 mile version of my loop, and, in fact, since it's been a while since I've ridden the shorter version (about 28 miles), I may as well from here on out refer to the longer version as the usual one.
In fact, last night after I'd washed the bike all squeaky-clean and had supper, I thought about reviewing the official Pachaug Enduro Loop route sheet I bought from NETRA in an effort to add some more mileage as I know my current loop is omitting some trail around the area of one of my favorite pine-needled sections.
I believe other guys who ride Pachaug call this area the "southern loop", probably because on a map of Connecticut, it's the part of the loop that dips most southward.
Makes sense to me, Leroy. :)
So, anyway, during the week sometime after jerk, I should drive the ol' clammy Ranger out to the spot where I believe I'm turning right when I really need to make a left in order to incorporate this additional mileage.
I should get this part of the route a bit more solid and confirmed before the weekend comes.
Also on Saturday's ride, I had to negotiate a nice little booby trap that was blocking the trail.
It was a couple of decent-sized trees dropped across the way, and they were a good 12 - 18 inches above the ground.
The thing that really sucked about their placement is that is was at the start of that favorite pine-needled section with the whoops I mentioned, and it was a surprise laying there waiting over the crest of a hill.
So, just as I got on the gas to pick the speed up and enjoy some good terrain and good riding, I had to suddenly negotiate this shit laying across the trail without getting hurt.
Thank God, I know how to ride a dirt bike and I didn't crash.
I could easily see somebody not being so lucky and going ass over tea kettle and getting hurt.
After I jumped over it, I stopped and moved that bullshit out of the way.
I highly doubt that stuff just fell across the trail naturally and all by itself.
No, it was put there by some scum-sucking environmentalist idiot who should have a couple dozen Pachaug rock pile riders do a good-sized burnout on their silly face.
The trees blocking the trail were bulldogged down (where you climb your enviro-faggot ass up there and have your skinny homo body weight pull the tree down over the trail) on purpose, and it's really comforting to know that some asshole who is asking for a serious punch in the face is out there "protecting" the wilderness from those really bad dirt bike riders (like me) in the way that he or she (or, maybe it's a combination of the two) sees fit.
Well, in case that asshole is reading this:
Fuck you and the boat you came over on, you skinny, anorexic, granola-munching, Al Gore worshiping, selfish and utterly brainwashed silly little piece of homosexual environmentalist shit.
If I catch you out there doing that little bit of trail terrorism, you'd better run and be carrying a weapon of some sort because I'll make you eat some of those trees that you feel are sooooooooooooooooo fragile and need your protection from me.
In truth, you should drop dead because the great outdoors would be better off without you out there screwing things up, you dickhead.
You are the one who bulldogged the trees down, not me.
You asshole.
On top of that, I'd bet your silly little men-loving pimply ass that I have a MUCH greater appreciation for the outdoors and the environment we live in than you do.
Because, you see, enviro-fags like you believe that only you can appreciate and protect the woods where I ride and that man only hurts things.
The truth is that man is part of the environment to start with, you fucking coward, and if anything should be changed, maybe you should exit the planet and sign-up for whatever space program NASA has in store to take the place of the Space Shuttle.
I firmly believe the Earth would breathe a huge sigh or relief if you were to take up residence on Pluto.
I hear they need a Guardian of the Trees out there, and it sounds like the perfect job for you, you slime ball.
And, if it's because I'm out there "spoiling the serenity of the woods" riding a motorized vehicle that you don't like, I ask you how you transport your weakling ass to and fro while you go about your extremely important day.
Of course, a real big man like you wouldn't be such a hypocrite where you'd actually operate something with an internal combustion engine, now, would you?
No, I'd expect you to walk where you need to go, like the weekly Gay Pride meeting in your town of Fagsville.
You faggot.
Any questions, dickhead?
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