I understand that this pin means the 5th Army.
What happened to the 1st through 4th?
Well, I didn't do any riding at all this weekend because I was sick.
Yup, warm weather colds suck, just like wintertime colds suck.
Saturday was the only weekend day with weather good enough to take either bike out, but, I felt weak and I felt like shit, basically, so that idea was out.
So, my weekend was comprised of staying inside most of the time, drinking lots of OJ, and taking plenty of naps on the couch.
Right now, I feel mid-way between how lousy I felt over the weekend and normal.
I could be in worse shape to start the work week, I guess, so I'll try to remain optimistic without going overboard and sounding like some kind of brainwashed everything-is-just-so-nice-and-peachy-and-overly-optimistic freak like you see on one of those Public Television Network kid's TV shows like Sesame Street.
I still made sure I watched the latest MotoGP race from Le Mans, France, though.
The race was decent, too.
One thing I did do was go grocery shopping so that I'd have some food in the house, something that has proven to be an asset over the years.
This is the time of year where stores allow solicitors to camp by the entrance/exit doors who basically hold out their hands and want money out of you for some cause they're involved in.
Popular ones are some kind of kid's sport organization like little league baseball or some kind of veteran's organization looking for some of your loot.
This is where the pin in the pic came from, by the way, so you can see that I caved-in and gave them some money.
Just trying to be nice and smiley to the old fellows.
I'm not a fan of this stuff at all because it basically shames people into handing money over.
You wouldn't dare tell some 3rd grade little girl to go jump off a bridge, would you?
I go to the grocery store to buy my goddamn food, not toss my money over to some people for little league or some kind of veteran's organization I know zippo about.
For all I know, these guys just take the money and run.
Even if they actually put it toward some legit organization, I do feel uncomfortable about how they basically ambush you as you walk out of the food stores.
The weather forecast for this work week is rain all week long, so it seems we're still getting April showers in May. :)
Off to jerk,
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