Although this ain't the kind of fall I'm talking about, it's still funny shit, especially if it happens to a pinhead.
I wonder why he got his hands and feet chopped off.
And, why ain't his head connected to his body?
It's freebee Saturday once again, and at this point in the early AM, I'm still unsure as to what my day will be like.
This has to do with my ol' riding buddy, the guy who rides a big n' powerful 2007 Honda XR-650R out in the Pachaug rock pile.
Now, riding this bike out on those trails is kinda' like using a hammer to push thumbtacks into a bulletin board:
Sure, you can do it, but most people will say that it's more than you need for doing that.
What that means is that it's a big, heavy, and powerful bike, and while we all like having lots of power on tap, the weight of the bike and the associated ponderous feel it can give you in the tight going is the trade-off.
To the point that as of late, my buddy has been tossing around the thought of maybe someday getting a second bike for the trail riding in the rock pile.
Something along the lines of the Suzuki RMX-250 is what he says he'd like, a 250cc, 2-stroke off-road bike that was based on the Suzuki RM-250 motocross bike.
Fine choice, I say.
The trick with that is finding one for a fair price that ain't beat-up.
See, they made the RMX-250 from 1989-1998, and as how most dirt bikes get the shit beat out of them by guys who think running straight into big, immovable objects like trees, stone walls, and other people is a normal part of dirt bike riding (let alone that lot of these guys don't know what an air filter is supposed to do, or ever feel like greasing their chassis bearings), finding a Suzuki RMX-250 is good condition ain't an easy task.
Not impossible, though, so we'll see what happens.
Anyway, the reason I'm not sure about what I'm doing today is because I'm trying to entice my ol' buddy to get out and do some trail riding this weekend, and I've got two tires for him that his bike badly needs.
I've got the used Bridgestone M23 that just came off my WR-250FY firebreather (which looks new compared to the badly-worn Dunlop on his XR-650R), as well as a brand-new Pirelli MT-16 for the rear of his bike.
He is the kind of guy that, in my opinion, picks his rear tires based on how big-n'-burly they look to the eye (lots of guys will do this), and the MT-16 is a big-n'burly tire that goes back to the mid-1970s with the way it looks:
Wide, tall profile, big knobs that look like they weigh 10 pounds each, and an overall old-fashioned appearance to it.
If I don't get a call from him sometime today, then I'll just be going riding by myself, as usual, and perhaps on both today and Sunday, just as I did last weekend.
Off to jerk,
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